I’m preparing a series of exercises that will help you understand better certain reactions and thoughts that you may have. That understanding will be useful to you in your journey of learning, self-awareness and change of perspective, in which to identify if your actions are aligned with your values, beliefs and emotions.
If you want to be notified when the exercises are published, I invite you to leave your email address below.
I can let you know whenever I add new resources
Resurse in media
Resurse în publicații on-line
INTERVIU Cum ne afectează emoțiile și cum să le gestionăm corect? Florina Cioagă, coach transformational, despre alfabetizarea emoțională
Gestionarea emoţiilor la interviu
De la FeedBack la FeedForward
Gestionarea conversaţiilor dificile în context de micromanagement
Podcast Pauza de Bine
Cum poți gestiona conversațiile dificile cu invitat Florina Cioagă, coach transformațional
Radio Tananana
Intreb Pentru Un Prieten, 28.07.2022, invitati – Florina Cioaga si Stefania Dudau
Metropola TV
Intre Prieteni – Ana Maria Ivan, Florina Cioaga, Paul Dumbravanu – 12 Iulie 2022 – P1 | MetropolaTV
Revista Psychologies
Cum să îți setezi obiective profesionale realiste
Cum funcționează creierul la muncă
De ce nu este suficientă motivația în atingerea obiectivelor?
Cum gestionăm emoțiile negative la locul de muncă
As an Alumni and Brand Ambassador of the the NeuroMindfulness Institute, I can give you more details about the NeuroMindfulness® Coach Certification (NMCC) course. This course is accredited by ICF, thus you can obtain 15 RD CCE at the Practitioner level and an additional 15 CC CCE at the Senior Practitioner level. NeuroMindfulness® Coach Certification (NMCC). Acest curs este acreditat de catre ICF, astfel că poţi obţine 15 RD CCE la nivel Practitioner şi adiţional 15 CC CCE la nivel Senior Practitioner.
For me, this experience was extremely valuable, both from a professional and personal point of view.
I am grateful for the way they choose to share their experience and wisdom.
I highly recommend this course, and I can offer you a code to benefit from a 15% discount.
For more information and the discount code, please contact me!