About me

Clinical Psychologist in supervision process ...
...master's student in Clinical Psychology Master's program at Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, in training in Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy, and in training in Analytical Psychotherapy within the ARPA (Romanian Association of Analytical Psychology)

Coach Transformational ...
…prin certificare oferită de către Mind Learners şi acreditare ACC (Associate Certified Coach) oferită de către ICF (International Coaching Federation), ce ȋţi garantează calitatea serviciilor mele şi confidenţialitate ȋn tot ceea ce priveşte relaţia noastră contractuală.

NeuroMindfulness Coach-Practitioner Level ...
...certification awarded by the NeuroMindfulness Institute, through which I can offer you guidance based on neuroscience and mindfulness practices.

Specialized ȋn Emotions Centered Coaching (ECC) ...
...through the certification awarded by the School of Emotions.World through which I can help you identify your emotions, understand the logical structure of emotions and how to navigate the emotional flow.
Senior Trainer ...
...role in which I design and facilitate workshops and learning experiences on emotional intelligence topics that aim to help people increase their emotional literacy, such as Managing Emotions, Managing Stress and Increasing Emotional Resilience, Managing Conflict and difficult conversations, Establishing healthy boundaries, and Empathic communication.

The over 18 years spent in comportations ...
...have helped me understand the business challenges in various industries, the dynamics of teamwork, the rigidity of projects, and the urgency of deadlines.
I come with lessons learned...
...from my own experience in entrepreneurship.
I am a volunteer ...
...for Cortul Terapeutic through which I support their mission to promote psychotherapy in Romania.
...for AVE (Asociaţia Pentru Valori ȋn Educaţie – AVE România) for which I offer mentoring and coaching services.
I’ve graduated the leadership program...
...organized by BWFR - Business Women Forum Romania, which provided me the proper training to guide and support people who are either thinking about starting a business or are in their start-up process.
Education and continuing development are a priority for me, so I will use various tools in our coaching sessions to help you understand what resources you already have and what other resources you need to achieve your goals.
I strongly believe that we can learn from any experience, including hobbies. In the last 7 years I learned to actively meditate by dancing social tango, and in the last 5 years of practicing Krav Maga, martial arts of self-defense, I understood that the technique beats strength.