
I want to share my stories and knowledge with you, so I'm preparing a themed blog about emotions and values, and how to align our actions and thoughts with them.
I want to bring you value and a little light in navigating the emotional flow.
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Emotional literacy as a lifetime journey
For many years I believed that having emotions or showing my emotions was a sign of weakness, and that emotions were labeled as good or bad.
The freedom of one ends where the freedom of the other begins
Noi, oamenii, suntem permanent angrenaţi ȋn relaţii cotidiene, fie ele personale sau profesionale. În cadrul acestor relaţii, noi afişăm anumite comportamente, ȋnnăscute sau ȋnvăţate.
What leads your path?
In today's turmoil, we rarely look back at what has brought us here and now, what has been our engine in times of growth, what has brought us relief in difficult times, the small victories, or the lessons learned.
Vulnerability – Where do you start?
Where do you start, even if it's not the first time you've sat at the desk and the pencil is stuck on the white of the paper?